
Wandering Mind

A Wandering Mind is among the more mysterious incarnates of psions, these are individuals that just aren't quite rooted in the same reality everyone else is... they find it more pliable and slippery, and prone to jumping right through it on occasion.

How they get their powers varies. Some were born in the ethereal plane or went through a portal too young. Sometimes it is just that their mind just works along an axis most people cannot understand. No matter its source, they manifest a truly unique ability to treat certain aspects of the metaphysical with a certain mundanity, and are prone to treating their powers as absolutely natural things as one might use an arm or a leg.

They tend toward curious and chaotic, unbounded and hard to pin down, they are natural wanderings in mind and body.

Wandering Mind: Quick Build

As with all Psions, the possibities are endless, but a Wandering Mind has a unique affinity with Dexterity due to their Agile Slider trait and martial weapon proficiency. They tend to synergize best with the Phase Shot or Phase Slash talents to fully realize their jumping, slashing, and shooting potential.

Spacial Manipulation

At 1st level when you select this archetype, you mind grows a greater perspective on the nature of space and dimensions, allowing you to manipulate it and your relation to it, granting you the psionic discipline of Transposition..

Nomad's Gear

Additionally at 1st level, you gain proficiency with martial weapons and medium armor.

Curious Mind

Starting at 3rd level, your wandering mind adapts to new situations constantly. At the end of a long rest select two skills you do not have proficiency in. Until the end of your next long rest, you can add half your proficiency modifier (rounded down) to ability checks for those skills.

Agile Slider

Additionally at 3rd level, your transdimensional powers are such that you can slide through the spaces you see in dimensions as another slip through a tight space, without concious thought or effort. You can use your Dexterity ability score in place of your Intelligence ability score calculating the DC or attack roll modifier of Transpositional powers, alternate effects, or talents that require the Transpositional discipline.

Dimension Strider

Starting at 6th level, the base distance of your Phase Rift is increased by 10 feet.

Flickering Presence

Starting at 10th level, your unspent Psionic Mastery points are not lost until the start of your next turn, but can only be used to cast flicker.

Additionally, when you roll for the effect of flicker or blink you can expend 1 psi point to reroll the result. You can select which of the two results you would like to use.


Starting at 14th level, your understanding of how to traverse space expands to a previously incomprehensible scale. You gain the ability to cast planeshift and teleport, and can use your 7th level or Higher use of Innate Psionics to cast these spells instead of the spell selected for that level. If you already have one of these spells selected for your 7th level Innate Psionic power, you can select a new 7th level spell from the Psion list for that slot.

Winding Paths

Additionally at 14th level, your phase rift no longer has to go in a straight line, though it must be made up of consecutive ten foot straight lines and cannot overlap with itself.

Geometry of Winding Paths.

The easiest way to think of it is you can take one right angle turn every 10 feet of your phase rift.