
Psionic Disciplines

A psionic discipline comes with a passive feature that expands your character's capabilities and an active psionic power that can be modified and empowered with Psi Points. Additionally you can use your discipline in more detailed applications to recreate the effect of certain spells, listed at the end of the discipline description.

Psionic powers are suppressed by anti-magic field and can be dispelled with dispel magic, but are only affected by counterspell if recreating the effect of a spell. Any check required to dispel magic, counterspell or identify a spell being cast with Psionics is made at disadvantage unless the caster also has the Psionics feature. The spell detect magic will detect the usage of psionics, but not their nature - it will show up as a mysterious untyped power, even if being used to generate the effect of a spell.

When recreating a spell through a Psionic effect (using a Psionic discipline to cast the spell) the spell has no Material or Verbal components, but using any psionic ability requires Somatic components and causes the Psion to vibrantly glow with the otherworldly psionic energies they are controlling.


Enhancement is the ability to interact with a creature's nature and abilities with your Psionic power.

Enhancing Skill

You can focus your psionics to enhance your abilities. Whenever you make a skill check using Strength or Dexterity, you can add 1d4 to the result.

Psionic Power

Enhancing Surge

Psionic Power

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Components: S
  • Duration: 1 Round

You empower the body of a target creature you can see with your Psionics. The target gains 1d4 temporary hit points and the next time the target deals damage, it deals 1d4 additional damage to one application of that damage roll. Any remaining effects of this spell end at the start of your next turn.

You can spend Psi Points up to your per use limit to add the following modifiers to Enhancing Surge (you can add multiple modifiers). The points must be spent when choosing the target of the power.

Savage (1+ psi point): The target's next weapon attack deals an +1d6 additional damage for each point spent.

Fortifying (1+ psi point): The target gains an additional +1d6 temporary hit points for each point spent.

Swift (2 psi points): The target gains +30 feet of movement speed.

Resilient (3 psi points): the target gains resistance to all damage until the start of your next turn.

Alternate Effects

Additionally, when you learn the Enhancement psionic discipline you can use your Psionics feature to cast the following spells as per the rules defined in the feature:

Point Cost Alternate Effects
1 heroism, longstrider, unlocked potential^
2 alter self, enlarge/reduce, lesser restoration
3 catnap, haste
4 freedom of movement, stone skin
5 greater restoration, skill empowerment

If a spell can be cast at a higher level, you can spend an additional psi point to cast it at that higher level.


Projection is the ability to project what is in your mind to the outside world with your Psionic power.

Project Item

As an action, you can use your powers to project an inanimate object you imagine into your hands. It cannot be larger than 3 feet on any side or weigh more than 10 pounds, and is clearly ethereal in nature. The item behaves as a solid object. Weapons created with this feature deal force damage.

Projected items fade after 1 minute, and you can have no more than 3 projected items at a time.

Psionic Power

Astral Construct

Psionic Power

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute

You project an ethereal creation from your mind taking the shape of a medium or smaller creature, weapon, or other object. This creation is clearly ethereal in nature. When you create it, and on subsequent turns using your action to mentally control it, you can move it up to 30 feet in any direction and attack; so long as it does not move beyond the range of the power. To attack with it, make a melee spell attack, on a hit, the target takes 1d8 force damage.

While the Astral Construct is active, you can spend Psi Points up to your per use limit to issue commands that effect and empower your construct. Commands require no action, but you cannot exceed your psi point limit in total commands issued, and each command can only be issued once per turn.

Strike (2 psi point): The construct makes an attack (even if it has already attacked).

Relocate (1 psi point): The construct disappears and reappears anywhere within 60 feet of you.

Solidify (1 psi point): You construct becomes solid, blocking its space until the start of your next turn. You can only use this command if it is not in another creatures space. It has an armor class of 16, and hit points of your Intelligence modifier + your Psion level. The construct etheral again if it drops to zero hit points.

Grab (1 psi point): Can only be used while your construct is Solidified. A target creature within 5 feet of your construct must make a Strength saving throw or be restrained. At the end of the creatures turns it can repeat the saving throw. The condition ends of the construct becomes ethereal again.

Grow (1 psi points): Your construct by a size, and its damage increased by one die. It returns to its normal size at the start of your next turn unless you use Sustain. It can only gain one additional die (for example, up to 2d8).

Replicate (3 psi points): You use Relocate, but the original does not disappear. Until the end of your turn, you have another constructs and control both with the same action (commands only effect one of your choice). Pick one construct to fade at the start of your next turn or use Sustain.

Sustain (1+ psi point): At the start of your turn, you can sustain the effect of a Solidify, Grow or Replicate command an additional round. This costs 1 psi point for each effect sustained. Sustaining solidify refreshes the constructs hit points to its maximum.


Telekinesis is the ability to interact with physical objects and energy with your psionic powers.

Telekinetic Hands

When you gain this feature, you can manipulate small objects within 30 feet with your mind as if using your hand to interact with it. You can use this power to manipulate an object, open an unlocked door or container, stow or retrieve an item from an open container, or pour the contents out of a vial. You cannot Attack, activate magical items, or carry more than 10 pounds in this manner. You can move an item you are controlling in this way up to 30 feet during your turn.

You can spend 1 psi point to increase how much you can lift by 100 pounds for 1 turn.

Psionic Power

Telekinetic Force

Psionic Power

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You smash a target creature you can see or object with your mental power. The target must succeed on a Strength saving throw, or take 1d10 bludgeoning damage and be knocked 5 feet in a direction of your choosing or knocked prone.

You can spend Psi Points up to your per use limit to add the following modifiers to Telekinetic Force (you can add multiple modifiers). The points must be spent when choosing the target of the power.

Hammering (1+ psi points): The target takes +1d10 bludgeoning damage for each point spent.

Hurling (1-3 psi points): The target is knocked +10 feet in a direction of your chosing for each point spent.

Crushing (2 psi points): The target is restrained until the end of its next turn if it fails its saving throw.

Zone of (1-3 psi points): You can target all creatures in a 5 foot radius. The radius doubles for each point spent (5 ft., 10 ft., 20 ft.).

Alternate Effects

Additionally, when you learn the Telekinesis psionic discipline you can use your Psionics feature to cast the following spells as per the rules defined in the feature:

Points Cost Alternate Effects
1 jump, catapult, thunderwave
2 levitate, dust devil, shatter
3 fly, erupting earth
4 Otiluke's resilient sphere
5 telekinesis, wall of force

If a spell can be cast at a higher level, you can spend an additional psi point to cast it at that higher level.


Telepathy is the ability to interact with the minds of other creatures using your psionic abilities.

Telepathic Communication

When you gain this feature, you can communicate telepathically with any creature you can see within 30 feet of you. You don't need to share a language with the creature for it to understand your telepathic utterances, but the creature must be able to understand at least one language.

Psionic Power

Telepathic Intrusion

Psionic Power

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You assault the mind of a creature you can see directly. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw, or take 1d8 psychic damage. If the target fails the saving throw, it has disadvantage on attacks made against you until the start of your next turn. You can choose to deal no damage to the creature when it fails its saving throw.

You can spend Psi Points up to your per use limit to add the following modifiers to Telepathic Intrusion (you can add multiple modifiers). The points must be spent when choosing the target of the power.

Rending (1+ psi points): The target takes +1d8 psychic damage for each additional point spent.

Terrifying (1 psi point): The target is frightened of you until the end of its next turn if it fails its saving throw.

Meddling (2 psi points): You make one creature invisible to target creature or cause the creature to see something that is not there with the effect of minor illusion until the start of your next turn if it fails its saving throw.

Overwhelming (3 psi points): The target is stunned until the end of its next turn if it fails its saving throw

Alternate Effects

Additionally, when you learn the Telepathy psionic discipline you can use your Psionics feature to cast the following spells as per the rules defined in the feature:

Point Cost Alternate Effects
1 compelled query^, command, cause fear
2 detect thoughts, mind spike, suggestion
3 delve mind^, fear, enemies abound
4 dominate beast, compulsion, confusion
5 dominate person, modify memory, telepathic bond, synaptic static

If a spell can be cast at a higher level, you can spend an additional psi point to cast it at that higher level.


Transposition is the ability to modify the properties of space and manipulate dimensional boundaries with your psionic powers.

Phasing Steps

When you gain this feature, you can pass through difficult terrain without expending additional movement, including the spaces of friendly creatures.

Psionic Power

Phase Rift

Psionic Power

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 10 feet
  • Components: S
  • Duration: 1 Round

You step through space traveling up to 10 feet in a straight line leaving a spatial tear behind. You can pass through creatures but cannot pass through objects, building or terrain more than 4 inches thick. Any creature in the path of this tear must make Dexterity saving throw or take 1d8 force damage.

You can spend Psi Points up to your per use limit to add the following modifiers to Phase Rift (you can add multiple modifiers). The points must be spent when choosing the target of the power.

Disruptive (1+ psi point): Each target that fails their saving throw takes an additional 1d8 force damage for each point spent.

Blurring (1 psi point): You are indistinct and considered heavily obscured until the start of your next turn.

Long (1-3 psi points): You can travel an additional 10 feet for each point spent.

Echoing (2 psi points): You immediately Phase Rift again with the same action.

Ethereal (2 psi points): You can pass through solid objects, buildings, and terrain as long as you end your Phase Rift in a space you can occupy. If your Phase Rift would end inside a space you cannot occupy, the power fails.

Alternate Effects

Additionally, when you learn the Transposition psionic discipline you can use your Psionics feature to cast the following spells as per the rules defined in the feature:

Point Cost Alternate Effects
1 expeditious retreat, flicker^, zephyr strike
2 misty step, blur, pass without a trace
3 blink, nondetection, thunder step
4 banish, dimension door
5 far step, steel wind strike

If a spell can be cast at a higher level, you can spend an additional psi point to cast it at that higher level.


Psychokinetics is the mental art of spontaneously creating and controlling energy; sapping energy to freeze or spontaneously creating it create bursts of fire or arcs of lightning. Dangerous and destructive, it provides devestating power.

Energy Manipulation

When you gain this feature, you can manipulate energy in minor ways at will. As an action you can cause a light that casts 30 feet of bright light and 30 feet of dim light, cause things you touch to catch fire as if touched by a match, cause small arcs of electricity, freeze or thaw up to 5-foot cube of water. Any ongoing effect you create lasts 1 minute or until you cause another ongoing effect with this ability.

Psionic Power

Elemental Blast

Psionic Power

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 30 feet
  • Components: S
  • Duration: 1 Round

You can use your mind to create a burst of elemental power, blasting a target you can see within range. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 1d8 cold, fire, force or lightning damage.

For each die of cold damage dealt, the creature's movement speed is reduced by 5 feet until the end of their next turn, for each die of fire damage dealt by the original attack, the creature takes 1d4 fire damage at the start of its next turn, and for each die of lightning damage dealt, an arc of lightning strikes another creature of your choice within 20 feet, dealing 1d4 lightning damage.

You can spend Psi Points up to your per use limit to add the following modifiers to (you can add multiple modifiers). The points must be spent when choosing the target of the power.

Amplifed (1+ psi points): The target takes an additional 1d8 cold, fire, force or lightning damage.

Lasting (1 psi point): Your Elemental Blast leaves a 5 foot radius sphere of devestating behind where it strikes until the start of your next turn. Creatures that enter this zone for the first time or end their turn in it must make a Constitution saving throw or suffer the secondary effects (slow, burn, arc) of the blast as if they had been hit by it.

Massive (1-3 psi points): You unleash a massive blast; rather than making an attack roll, all creatures within a 15 foot cone must make a Dexterity Saving throw. On failure, they take the effect as if hit by the Elemental Blast. The size of the cone is doubled for each point up to 3 spent (2 points for 30 foot, 3 points for 60 foot).

Overcharged (0 psi point): You take 1d4 force damage and do not add your Proficiency modifier from the attack or Spell Save DC for your Elemental Blast, but increase the damage it deals by twice your Proficiency modifier.

Alternate Effects

Additionally, when you learn the Psychokinetics psionic discipline you can use your Psionics feature to cast the following spells as per the rules defined in the feature:

Point Cost Alternate Effects
1 burning hands, ice knife, thunderwave
2 flaming sphere, scorching ray
3 fireball, lightning bolt
4 ice storm, wall of flame
5 cone of cold, destructive wave

If a spell can be cast at a higher level, you can spend an additional psi point to cast it at that higher level.


When you take this Discipline, you may (but do not have to) select a specialization from the following list. You may only select a specialization at the time of gaining the Discipline, and cannot change or remove a Specialization once selected.


You can only deal Cold damage with Elemental Blast. Once per turn, when a target takes Cold damage from your Elemental Blast, it must make a Constitution saving throw, or become restrained by ice until the end of its next turn.

When using your Psionics feature to cast a spell under Alternate Effects, the damage of the spell becomes Cold damage.


You can only deal Lightning damage with Elemental Blast, but the size of the damage dice of Lightning damage (both the initial damage and arc damage ) is increased by one step (to a d10 initial damage and d10 additional damage per point spent on Amplified, and 1d6 arc damage to a nearby target per die of initial damage).

When using your Psionics feature to cast a spell under Alternate Effects, the damage of the spell becomes Lightning damage.


You can only deal Fire damage with Elemental Blast, but the size of the damage dice of fire damage (both the initial damage and burn damage) is increased by one step (to a d10 initial damage and d10 additional damage per point spend on Amplified, and 1d6 burn damage at the start of their turn per die of initial damage).

When using your Psionics feature to cast a spell under Alternate Effects, the damage of the spell becomes Fire damage.