
Shaper's Mind

A Shaper is a Psion that specializes in the materialization of their imagination, projecting it out into the world. No mere conjurers borrowing the powers of other planes, a Shaper manifests things from nothing but their own mind, weaving their creations into existence through the exertion of raw psionic power and imagination.

A Shaper's mind is tool of nearly unrivaled power possessing both boundless creativity and inexorable will, but if that will is overrun, the world would do well to fear a Shaper's nightmares.

Creator's Mind

At 1st level when you select this Archetype, you gain the ability to will contents of your mind into the world, granting you the psionic discipline Projection.

Boundless Imagination

Additionally at 1st level, as an action, you can conjure new powers for your Astral Construct in your mind and project them into reality. You can only apply one of the following properties at a time:

Devastating Weapons You imagine more deadly armaments - from a greatsword to vicious fangs - causing your Astral Construct to grow more deadly. The Astral Construct's damage becomes 1d12.

Psionic Conduit You can use your Psionic powers through your Astral Construct, as if you were where it is.

Vivid Existence Your Astral Construct fully materializes and automatically uses Solidify at the start of its turn without requiring a command to do so.

Astral Metastability

Starting at 3rd level, when you use your Psionic powers to create an Astral Construct, it does not require concentration to maintain, and lasts until dismissed, but you cannot summon another one while you have one summoned.

Empowered Construct

Starting at 6th level, when something created by the Projection Discipline deals damage, you can add your Intelligence modifier to the damage dealt.

Astral Guardian

Starting at 10th level, when you would take damage while you have an Astral Construct within 30 feet of you, you can use your reaction to conjure it to you (sharing your space) and expend a psi point to Solidify it, transposing it between you and the source of damage. It takes the damage instead of you. If the attack deals more damage than it has hit points (from Solidify), you take the remainder of the damage.

Imaginary Army

Starting at 14th level, you can allow your mind to run wild, letting an astral army spring forth into reality. When you use Replicate, one additional Astral Construct is created and can by controlled with your action (commands only effect one of your choice). This additional construct last until the start of your next turn and cannot be sustained.

Once you create an additional duplicate, you cannot do so again until you complete a short or long rest.