Divide Self

Psionics - 6th level
Casting Time:
1 Bonus Action
Range: Self
Duration: 1 round
Spell Type:Utility

You you create an exact duplicate of yourself within 30 feet of you. It has all of your stats, abilities, and equipment, but you can only choose one to any of your magical items. It acts on your initiative, and has its own actions. It has its own hit points equal to your current hit points when you cast it, but shares your Psi Points, spell slots, and Innate Psionics feature. At the start of your next turn, pick which is the real you between the two versions. The other one disappears and its essence returns to you, and you gain all memories it gained as your own. If one version dies before the spell ends, you are the version that did not die. Whichever version is you at the end of the spell has all of your magical items.
